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All videos that will be created in the course of the research project Sounding Crisis (09/2021 - 08/2023), will be published via Youtube, where you find them in the "Sounding Crisis"- channel. The video format is used whenever in a presentation or lecture visuals are used and/or the event takes place online. On Youtube, the latest videos are at the beginning of the list and the oldest ones at the end of it. Here, on this website, they are published in chronological order, starting with the first video that was recorded on top, and ending with the latest one at the bottom of this page. As of July 25, 2022, seven videos have been published so far.
Video #1: Online launch of the Sounding Crisis research project, Sept. 15, 2021
Video #2 (German): Sounding Crisis. Zur Sonic Agency künstlerischer Klimaforschung durch Klang (Sounding Crisis. On the Sonic Agency of artistic research on climate change via sound.) (Nov. 4, 2022)
Video #3: Sounding Crisis. Sonic Agency as Cognate Energies for Climate Action (Nov. 8. 2022)
Video #4: Energies Consciousness Lecture #1: Physicist Anders Svensson on Greenland ice cores & Global Warming (Jan. 25, 2022)
Video #5: Energies Consciousness Lecture #2: Anthropologist Dominic Boyer on the Rise of Energy Humanities (February 17, 2022)
Video #6: Energies Consciousness Lecture #3: Composer & Filmmaker Jake Meginsky on Understanding Energies with Milford Graves (April 21. 2022)
Video #7: Energies Consciousness Lecture #4: Literary Scholar Shelley Trower on Vibrations, Senes & Energies. (May 26, 2022)
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